
Whaling City Jr./Sr. High

Welcome to Whaling City Jr./Sr. High School!

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Our vision at The Whaling City Jr./Sr. High School is to provide a safe, positive, and consistent learning environment designed to support our most at-risk student population by addressing the whole child.  Students will be provided with a rigorous education that is aligned with state standards and students will be provided acute support to develop self-regulation skills.  These skills are embedded in our school design in an effort to provide them with the tools necessary to transition back to the comprehensive middle/high schools, college, military, or into the workforce.


We are committed to developing a community of life-long learners who are academically proficient, demonstrate strong character, exhibit self-confidence, self-respect, and respect for others. Students WILL be supported in stretching their academic potential, building life skills, confidence, and establishing meaningful relationships in order to achieve their future goals.

Whaling City Teacher Emails: 
Ms. Andersen-Serena: [email protected]
Mr. Blake: [email protected]
Ms. Botelho: [email protected]
Ms. Craig:  [email protected]  
Mr. Duane: [email protected]
Mr. Flaherty: [email protected]
Mr. Floyd: [email protected]
Ms. Giorgianni: [email protected]
Ms. Irwin: [email protected]
Ms. Johnson: [email protected]
Ms. Jones: [email protected]
Mr. Kazen: [email protected]
Ms. Markey: [email protected]
Ms. Mastroianni-Darche: [email protected]
Mr. McIntire: [email protected]
Ms. Mignault: [email protected]
Mr. Miranda: [email protected]
Ms. Odedina: [email protected] 
Mr. Rafferty: [email protected]
Ms. Sivertsen: [email protected]
Mr. Bailey: [email protected]
Principal Tweedie:  [email protected] 


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September 29, no eventsSeptember 30, no eventsOctober 01, no eventsOctober 02, no eventsOctober 03, no eventsOctober 04, no eventsOctober 05, no events

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School News

Staff & Student Lunch

Another amazing day at WC!

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October 2019 SAT Reg.!
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Message from principal Tweedie

Message from principal

Dear Whaling City Students & Families,

I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself as the new principal here at the Whaling City Jr/Sr High School. My name is John Tweedie and I consider it a privilege and a distinct honor to serve as your principal. Public education is an opportunity for all of us within the community to shape and mold the minds of our youth. This shaping, and reshaping, of young minds is an agreement we as a society have entered into collectively. It is OUR responsibility as parents, community stakeholders, and educators to build healthy individuals who are prepared to contribute to the larger community. WE must foster a sense of unwavering academic possibility in the minds of our children. I hope you will all support me in working towards this goal.

I have worked in New Bedford for the past 19 years, predominately working with students and children who have been labeled and/or defined as "at-risk" individuals. I have found that this population of students are the most gifted, talented, and determined group of young people. Along their path of life, these students have faced obstacles, disappointments, and set backs. But they have never given up. It is my job as your principal to ensure that our school and our teachers provide an educational experience which highlights students' academic strengths, provides a consistent level of self-accountability, and allows them to "reset" their path in life. Together, we can make this a reality for all students who walk through our doors.

As we enter this academic year, please understand that I recognize and am sympathetic to the familial issues and concerns you all have with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a pivotal time in the history of the nation and the world. Please know, that I and the dedicated staff here at Whaling City are prepared to do what is needed to provide your child with an experience which continues to meet the needs of the whole child, emotionally and educationally. I look forward to working with all of you. Thank you.

John Tweedie, M. Ed., CAGS

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